Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Goals, Strategies & Tactics -- Goal 2 -- Shape Public Opinion

The next in a continuing series on goals, strategies and tactics.  The point of this series is to solicit ideas and comments from others with different experiences. 

Please post, or email me privately if you prefer.

Shape public opinion toward support of the calling of an Article V Convention of States for the purpose of proposing amendments to the Constitution to limit the power and jurisdiction of the federal government, to impose fiscal restraints, and to establish term limits on Congress and the federal judiciary.  (Public opinion molding would also go toward building the voter base necessary for legislative or referendum ratification of proposed amendments when returned to the states.)

Strategy 1:  Media campaign
  • Tactic 1:  Electronic
    • Dedicated websites
    • Social media
    • Blogs
    • Cross-links to other conservative sites
    • Internet radio
    • Paid ads
  • Tactic 2:  Print
    • News articles
    • Letters to the editor
    • Guest columns
    • Paid ads
  • Tactic 3:  Radio
    • Interviews
    • Talk shows
    • News items
    • Paid ads
  • Tactic 4:  Television
    • Interviews
    • Talk shows
    • News items
    • Paid ads
Strategy 2:  Grass roots education and recruiting
  • Tactic 1:  Speaking engagements
  • Tactic 2:  Public events (county fairs, town festivals, election polling places, etc.)
  • Tactic 3:  Private events conducted by groups sympathetic to the goal (preppers, Tea Party groups, perhaps gun rights groups, perhaps evangelical groups)
  • Tactic 4:  Networking
  • Tactic 5:  Media campaign (see above)
  • Tactic 6:  Petition drives
  • Tactic 7:  School essay contests with sponsored prizes
  • Tactic 8:  School debate contests with sponsored prizes
  • Tactic 9:  Signs, bumper stickers, shirts, hats
Strategy 3:  Mobilize and organize volunteers to implement all strategies
  • Tactic 1:  Make something happen now – no matter how small
    • Start with the resources and people immediately available
    • Don't over-think, over-study or over-plan – just do it!!
    • Don't become paralyzed by uncertainty.  Most mistakes are not fatal.
    • Build on successes
  • Tactic 2:  Establish a core group of reliable people to spread the work around
  • Tactic 3:  Have regular meetings at the most frequent interval practicable – even if just by conference call, Google+ Hangouts, Skype,, etc.
  • Tactic 4:  Set goals and deadlines; assign tasks to reliable volunteers
  • Tactic 5:  Identify natural leaders based on accomplishments – not on reputation.   Select a board of advisers.
  • Tactic 6:  Delegate – even local projects require more effort and time than a small group can muster.
  • Tactic 7:  Don't overestimate the amount of time volunteers can devote – people have other demands on their time.      
  • Corollary:  Don’t rely on people who don't have, or won't spend, adequate time.
  • Tactic 8:  Make recruitment of new volunteers a top priority.  Ask every member to bring someone new to every meeting.
  • Tactic 9:  Identify potential recruits from voter registration lists, campaign contribution lists, membership lists of like-minded groups.
Strategy 4:  Form alliances with other Article V groups, but maintain local independence and control
  • Tactic 1:  Coordinate efforts with Convention of States Project
  • Tactic 2:  Stay informed on status of Article V Caucus/Assembly of State Legislatures
  • Tactic 3:  Reach out to other Article V groups for mutual support, exchange of ideas, etc.

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Comments should be relevant to strategies and tactics aimed at mobilizing citizens and state legislators to take action to require Congress to call an Article V Convention of States for the purpose of proposing amendments to the United States Constitution to limit the power and jurisdiction of the federal government, to impose fiscal restraints, and to establish term limits for Congress and the federal judiciary.