Sunday, July 27, 2014

Goals, Strategies & Tactics -- Goal 1

Liberty Convention Initiative
Goals, Strategies & Tactics
Goal #1

To get a majority of the members of each chamber of each state legislature (34 needed) to pass the necessary legislation (resolution or bill, according to local rules) to make application to Congress for the calling of an Article V Convention of States for the of purpose of proposing amendments to the Constitution to limit the power and jurisdiction of the federal government, to impose fiscal restraints, and to establish term limits on Congress and the federal judiciary
Strategy 1:  Educate individual legislators about implementing Article V Convention of States as a viable remedy for federal overreach.
1.  Assemble detailed contact information on each legislator and key staff
  • Legislator’s name, district, party affiliation, office email address, personal email address, office fax number, mailing address, office telephone number, personal telephone number
  • Legislator’s chief assistant’s name, office email address, office fax number, mailing address, office telephone number
2.   Email campaign directed at each legislator
  • Easier and less costly than fax or mail or telephone
  • Effectiveness depends on communication practices of each legislator
  • Fall-back plan: fax, then mail, then telephone
3.   Involve key constituents of each legislator
  • Identify key constituents
  • Determine which key constituents may support an Article V convention
  • Provide each key constituent with detailed information and argument about implementing Article V convention as a viable remedy for federal over-reach
  • Ask each key constituent to contact their legislators an request that he or she support (sponsor, co-sponsor, and vote for) the COSP proposed application

Strategy 2:  Identify and recruit key legislators in each chamber of each state legislature who will actively support Article V legislation by making a very public request for public, on-the-record commitment.

1.   If commitment is made:
  • Assist with positive PR supporting the commitment
  • Provide continuing informational material for use in educating other legislators and voters
2.  If commitment is not made:
  • Enlist support of key constituents
  • Enlist support of local Tea Party, Libertarian and GOP groups, and individuals

Strategy 3:  Coordinate with each committed legislator in getting the Article V legislation drafted, introduced, moved through committees, brought to the floor, and passed.

1.  Take the lead, if possible; the legislator will have other demands on his or her time

2.  Assist in formation of alliances among legislators

3.  Stay in the background and give the legislators the credit

4.  Publically promote and defend the actions of committed legislators
  • Get endorsements of key constituents, GOP, Tea Party, Libertarian, First Amendment, Second Amendment, Tenth Amendment, veterans, and other groups
  • Letters to the editor of local papers in support
  • Call-ins to local radio talk shows in support
  • Electronic media initiatives (Google+, LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, blogs, website links, paid ads)
  • Voter guides

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Comments should be relevant to strategies and tactics aimed at mobilizing citizens and state legislators to take action to require Congress to call an Article V Convention of States for the purpose of proposing amendments to the United States Constitution to limit the power and jurisdiction of the federal government, to impose fiscal restraints, and to establish term limits for Congress and the federal judiciary.