Sunday, August 14, 2016

Every Nation Gets the Government It Deserves

Every Nation Gets the Government It Deserves

Joseph de Maistre, writing in 1811 about the then new Russian constitutional reforms, said "Every nation gets the government it deserves."   In November, we are going to find out what government we deserve.

Has the United States reached and gone beyond the tipping point where the "shining city on the hill" cannot be saved from the growing masses who just don't get it - - or rather, perhaps, are content to "get it" from the government through necessarily transitory wealth redistribution schemes? (As Margaret Thatcher famously said, "Socialism works fine until you run out of other people's money.")

The great migrations from the Old World to the New World in the 17th, 18th and 19th centuries consisted of millions of people weary of the oppression and lack of opportunity in Europe striking out for new lands and a chance to make a better life. They didn't come for a free ride on the public dole - - there was none then. They were determined to make it on their own, and willing to die trying.

If Hillary Clinton prevails in November, could those among us who are weary of her world view and corruption strike out for new lands and a chance to make a better life?  Where exactly could we go? The United States is without question the last bastion of freedom and opportunity on the planet.

There is nowhere to go from here, so we must do our utmost to keep Clinton out of the White House. The nation either rejects Clinton in favor of a chance for a better life under a Trump-Pence administration, or the nation elects Clinton and gets the government it deserves.

The nation could probably survive four years, perhaps even eight years, of a Clinton monarchy were it not for the fact that during her reign she would be appointing the next generation of United States Supreme Court justices, any five of whom can dictate the future course of the country from their lifetime positions as unelected, unaccountable, political appointees.

Regardless of anything else that Clinton might do, or not do, if she is the one to make the next three or four Supreme Court appointments, this great experiment in liberty that is the United States will assuredly come to an inglorious end.
It is way past time to stop the hand wringing over Trump’s rough edges and imperfections, and resolve to support and vote for the only candidate who gives our nation a fighting chance of continuing the grand experiment the Founders set in motion 240 years ago.

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Comments should be relevant to strategies and tactics aimed at mobilizing citizens and state legislators to take action to require Congress to call an Article V Convention of States for the purpose of proposing amendments to the United States Constitution to limit the power and jurisdiction of the federal government, to impose fiscal restraints, and to establish term limits for Congress and the federal judiciary.